Regardless if you are a solopreneur working out of your home office, or managing a team of people, practicing wellness in the workplace is vital to your bottom-line. The days... read more
As many of us ring in each new year with good intentions, it’s amazing how quickly time slips by. Before we know it, another year has passed and we’re looking at our... read more
Let’s face it – It’s all about you. If you’re a small business owner, solo entrepreneur or self-employed, you are the face of your business − and people need to know... read more
It's the year 2019 and I've become known to many as a speaker and a trainer and spend most of my time in front of the classroom or an audience. I have spent most of my life on... read more
In today’s ever-more competitive world, we are all subject to a level of stress that shows no signs of abating. This mounting hazard has the potential to wreak havoc on more... read more