Think of how much time you could save if you had someone to go through all of your postal mail, sort it, and let you know when something important has arrived. Liberty Office Suites has the solution to with our business mail services. You’ll never again need to worry about sending or receiving mail or packages, because we have it all covered for you.
As a client of this service, your mail will come to either of our Liberty Office Suites addresses. If you are one of our office space clients, we will deliver your mail straight to your office. If not, we will sort through your mail. With your written permission, we will open your mail and either scan and email it to you or call you and read it to you over the phone. We can also forward your mail to an address of your choosing. We will even dispose of your junk mail! This can include both your business and personal mail if you choose.
Packages are no problem either. We can accept packages of any size and let you know when your package has arrived. We will also take care of sending out packages for you. All you need to do is leave the material that needs to be shipped, and we will either pack it and mail it from our office or take care of getting it to a UPS or Federal Express office.
Another great feature of our business mail services involves our administrative staff doing mailings for you. If you have a mass mailing, you can leave us with an Excel spreadsheet with the mail recipients and what you need mailed, and that’s it! We will take care of copying materials, preparing labels, stuffing envelopes, and getting the mailing out on your timetable.
Need to shop for holiday gifts for your clients, but don’t have time? Leave the shopping to us. All you need to do is tell us the category of item you’d like and the budget you have in mind, and we’ll do the shopping. We will provide you with several items to choose from, and once you’ve decided, we will take care of the ordering and shipping.
Liberty Office Suites has New Jersey Lawyer Service drop boxes on the premises. This is another alternative you can use to ship mail to other locations in New Jersey with drop boxes, with guaranteed delivery on the next business day.
For more information about our business mail services, please feel free to contact us at 973-575-6080 or stop by our location.