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Parsippany Focus: Business Spotlight: Liberty Office Suites

“Liberty Office Suites is located at 181 New Road, Suite 304, Parsippany, NJ  07054. They can be reached by calling (973) 575-6080 or by visiting

Company description:  Co-working, meeting rooms, private offices, and virtual offices

Q. Why did you start your business locally:  Parsippany is the best location in Northern NJ with many top quality companies nearby.  It is a natural place for a business such as ours.

Q: How long did it take to go from idea to opening your business? We have another location so the idea was already there, but going from signing a lease, designing the space and getting it built and furnished took about a year.

Q: What do you find the most rewarding about what you do? I get to meet many business people who share an enthusiasm for what they do. I get to help them and also learn from them. We really are a business community.  Our office clients get to see each other every day and get to know one another. This results in both friendships outside of the office as well as many business referrals.  That makes me happy.”



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