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Spotlight on Montville’s Chris Curran and His Company Fractal Recording

Podcasts may not be the newest “new media,” but their popularity is certainly on the rise in recent years. We love our information on-demand and podcasts (a series of episodes of audio or video made available on the Internet for downloading) are easily accessible online through all of our favorite devices: computers, tablets, portable media players, and smartphones. In the iTunes store alone, there are over 250,000 unique podcasts covering a wide variety of topics in news, politics, entertainment, business and education. Podcasting is also becoming one of the hottest marketing trends for business. Businesses use podcasting to create an ongoing buzz online about new products and events, to establish themselves as industry experts, to increase their market reach, and to attract more publicity.

Recording your own podcast show is also an easy way to quickly generate re-usable content for multiple media outlets including social media platforms and blogs. Chris Curran, owner and audio engineer of Fractal Recording,helps business owners take advantage of this hot new media trend. Fractal Recording, located in Parsippany, New Jersey, is a recording studio and internet broadcast facility providing Podcast Recording, Internet Radio Broadcasting, and Content Creation. See their featured podcast shows and services online at you’re interested in learning more about podcasting and exploring the opportunity for your business, please contact Chris Curran. Email –   Phone – 973-532-2163.


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