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5 Tips That Will Help Your Business Grow

Do you find that your business is slowing done? Here are 5 tips that might help revamp your business and potentially spark growth.

1. To promote your business, host a giveaway. Maybe you can give away a gift card or give a discount on the services and products your business offers. This is a great way to advertise and offer services to people who are not aware of them.

2. Do something creative and different to spice your business up. Maybe use a new recipe to cook food that can be offered to your clients, or maybe take artistic photos of your building that can be featured on your website or blog. People’s attention will be drawn to your business if it is constantly changing and evolving.

3. Constantly update your social media like Pinterest, Google Plus, Facebook, Business blogs, etc. Then check Google Analytics and see which posts and pages are the most popular. If there are pages that have a higher exit/ bounce rate than others, try to figure out what makes those pages more popular.

4. Tweet and blog testimonials from your clients. Maybe you can have them answer a questionnaire about your business or have them write a positive review that can be posted on your business blog, Pinterest page, or Facebook. This will appeal to people who are looking for your services.

5. Get some new photos of your products, your office, and your customers enjoying your services. People will eventually get bored of your business if everything stays the same. If your photos change, then people will see your business in a different perspective. You won’t be another forgotten business to them.


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