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Phones Ringing Off The Hook? You May Need Virtual Office Phone Answering

Alright, your business is starting to take off and the phone calls are rolling in.  You’ve placed ads in all the right places and the phones are ringing more than you have time to answer them.  Or your search engine optimization has paid off and clients are looking for you to provide the services you offer.   Sound like a dream?  If you can’t visualize it you can’t achieve it, so get started planning for your success!

Virtual Office Phone Answering May Be Exactly What You Need

Phone answering services are professionally trained receptionists that handle your client calls exactly the way you would answer them if you weren’t busy doing more productive things!   Working with clients, generating leads, and planning the next big thing are all better uses of your time than answering phones.

These receptionists don’t have to be in your office.  In fact, they don’t have to be on premises at all.   Serviced office centers that offer virtual office phone answering often locate their phone centers off site to minimize distractions and noise that the front desk receptionist may encounter.  Your dedicated phone answering people may not be people that you interact with regularly, if ever, but they are there to handle your calls just as you instruct.   

The best serviced office centers offer a “call POP”, a web based interface that allows you to easily change the instructions given to your receptionists without needing to speak with them directly.  Just log into your user account and adjust the settings for your various phone lines including exactly how you would like various inquiries to be answered.  You can make changes as often as you would like and there is no delay in getting the instructions implemented.   For example you can ask that the receptionist directly answer certain questions but forward others to you or someone you designate.  You can easily set up rules so that calls at various times of the day are referred to different people, and in the event the call is one that really needs your attention you can have an email or text sent in case you can’t take the call at that moment.

Virtual office phone answering is not only easily customizable but it is highly scalable.  You’ll never need to consider what to do with an employee who is being paid whether calls are coming in or not, and you won’t have to hire additional staff when the load gets to be more than one person can handle by themselves.  Virtual office phone answering – like everything else offered by serviced office centers – is based on providing just what need, when you need it.

To learn more about these services give us a call at 973-575-6080.


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