The Keys to Business Success in 2017 and Beyond
The keys to business success in 2017 are not that different from what you already know to be true – grow your customer base, improve customer service, stay relevant in your niche – these are and have been the cornerstones of good business sense since time immemorial. But in todays’ uber-competitive business landscape, how do you hone that effort to an even sharper point?
Drawing on tips from business thought leaders in the top of their respective fields, we can learn what has worked for others, then scale and apply it to our own endeavors.
Keys to business success #1: establish smart goals
In today’s pervasive uncertainty, the truest statement could be that ‘anything can happen.’ With the astonishing phenomena of Brexit, Donald Trump in the White House and mass confusion as to how it will all turn out, the best key to business success may be to remain nimble. That said, having some clearly outlined goals at the outset will help you stay on track as you navigate the potential chicanes along the way. Some goals you could bring into clearer focus include:
- Expanding into new markets
- Outsourcing more to freelancers
- Reducing costs by using a shared office space
- Improving the customer experience on your website
- Developing a content marketing strategy
These are all just ideas and potential keys to business success. If you can be truly objective about your company and how it connects with its customer base, you will probably see many things that can easily be improved. The key here is ‘easy.’ Even though many changes might seem impossible or insurmountable, some things can be accomplished simply by making the decision and taking small steps toward the goal. You will no doubt be surprised at how quickly progress will come.
Keys to business success #2: solidify your support system
Let’s face it: everybody needs a little help now and then. The people you choose to surround yourself with are your ultimate keys to business success. Support staff could take a lot of tasks off of your hands, leaving you free to grow your customer base or hone your competitive strategies. This support can include:
- Making better use of the amenities at your shared office space, including reception
- Set up a virtual mailbox to take the task of managing your snail mail off your hands
- Connect with subject matter experts in your field to discuss ideas
- Use freelancers more: virtual assistants (VAs), graphic designers, web designers, copywriters and more can be found through freelance services such as UpWork, Fiverr and Envato Marketplace
One of the helpful keys to business success with your support system is to find consistency. Connect with individuals whose work you can count on and leverage their ability to deliver against your own reputation. Managed successfully, you can establish a strong team without the payroll expense.
Keys to business success #3: shore up your cyber defenses
There’s a lot of talk these days about cyber-crime and how it can impact what you do. Yet realizing that it can and indeed may directly affect you is one of the essential keys to business success that you may not have considered. Even if you are using a shared office space, it is important to make sure that your network is protected from within as well as without. Some of the ways you can do this include:
- Deploying a firewall
- Installing anti-virus protection and keeping it updated
- Migrating your data and business functions to the cloud
- Establishing clear security protocols for your entire workforce to adhere to
- Educate yourself on the latest cyber-threats
- Keep all of your software and hardware updated to take advantage of the latest security patches
Knowing what may come is a powerful defense in itself. The keys to your business success may rest in the knowledge you obtain by keeping abreast of current threats.
Liberty Office Suites: one of the simplest keys to business success
Liberty Office Suites has two New Jersey locations to serve you better. If you are looking to improve your business in 2017 – and who isn’t – choosing to establish your headquarters in a shared office environment just makes sense. If you would like to learn more about what we do and how we do it, or have your own keys to business success that you would like to share with us, drop us a line today. We’d love to be a part of your successful future.