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Hey busy parents! Did you know we have a pre-school right on the property?

Montville Executive Suite’s Monthly Donations

Every month Montville Executive Suites is honored to make a donation to a charity that improves our society and helps those in need. For years, our business center community of permanent and virtual tenants has chosen a different worthy cause and donated to a variety of organizations such as Pathways for Exceptional Children, Volunteer Lawyers for Justice, The Montville Food Pantry, The Homeless Bus, and Michael’s Mission.

Many of these charities are chosen by our clients, who often sit on the board or otherwise provide support and leadership to the organization. As a community, we support the efforts of one another to bring about the change we wish to see in the world.

All client donations are matched by Montville Executive Suites, up to $250.00 each month. To have your charity considered for support, please contact Donna Darlington at 973-575-6080 or


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