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Finding Shared Office Space That’s Right for You

When it comes to trends in today’s workforce, there’s no doubt freelancing is at the top and shared office space can be a huge benefit. A study by Freelancers Union and Elance O-Desk found that more than 53 million Americans are freelancing. Americans are changing how they work and where they work.

Shared Office Space

Freelancing means you work where you want, the necessity of reporting to the office doesn’t exist in the freelance world. But many freelancers are moving toward the shared office space trend, not only to increase productivity, but to get away from the distractions at home. Shared office space is a sensible solution for some, but there are many considerations to take in while looking for shared office space.

Liability and Insurance Issues

The first thing to consider is insurance requirements for your office space. You may need to have your own renter’s policy or a general liability policy. It’s possible the hosts’ insurance covers you for being in the space. Ask to ensure your business is protected.

Hours of Operation

The listing detail may outline the house of operation, but be certain to ask when you can use the space. Don’t make the assumption you can work on the weekends. Make certain you can use the office when you feel it’s best for your business, even if it’s not the “regular” hours everyone else works.


Amenities may vary from space to space and can sometimes be the deal maker or breaker. Make sure the office space you’re looking at has the amenities you need to function. Ask if Wifi is included in the rent, or if you can receive mail and deliveries. Also, look into parking and determine if there are added fees involved for parking spaces.

There’s no doubt you’ll find the shared office space that is the right fit for you. To find your dream space, contact us today!


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