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How to Find the Perfect Office Spaces for Your Business

Sooner or later we all face this happy dilemma.  Our business needs more office space and we need to select from all the choices that Google quickly serves up.  Where does one begin?  While there’s no “one size fits all” formula for everyone, asking yourself the following questions will make choosing the right office spaces easy and quick.

Am I looking for just myself or will co-workers be joining me?
Office spaces come in all shapes and sizes.  If you’re just getting started in a new business, or maybe moving from the spare bedroom in your home, maybe all you need is space for yourself to work away from the distractions of pets, laundry, and small children at home.  In that case a single person office or even a simple workstation or space in a co-working room at the local serviced office (often called an “executive suite”) center will meet your needs.  You can work without distractions  but also have other business owners nearby to provide inspiration and bounce ideas and questions off of.  Workstations and co-working office spaces also are more affordable than private offices and often allow flexibility to grow into larger spaces as your needs change.

Do I need someone to answer my phones and/or screen my calls?
Many times the decision to find office space comes from a need to project a more professional telephone image to clients and prospects that answering all calls yourself on a cell phone doesn’t allow.  In that case you might want to look at office spaces that include receptionists and telephone answering services.   Having someone else answer your phones is what clients of more successful businesses often expect.   A professional receptionist to screen your calls also saves you time and reduces distractions, allowing you to be more efficient and spend time on what really matters.  A receptionist to greet guests at your new office location also goes a very long way to project that “I care about my business and am willing to invest in it” unspoken attitude that prospects say helps them choose one business over another.   Serviced office spaces employ trained receptionists whose job it is to present you and your business in the most positive and professional light so that you can stand out from your competition.

Do I need a place to meet with clients?
Many times the search for new office space is driven by the need to meet clients in a professional location.  Many small business owners can work perfectly fine at home, but meeting clients presents a real challenge.  Clients often will “Google” the address on our business card – not providing an address or using a post office box tells them you’re working from home – and you really don’t want to meet them in your living room or the local diner.  Office spaces that offer meeting and conference rooms are an ideal solution, especially when combined with receptionist services.  You’ll present your most professional image when guests and potential clients are warmly greeted and offered coffee or tea as they’re shown to a well appointed conference room where you are ready to meet them.   A wall mounted large screen monitor or a glass board makes presentations at your new office space something no Starbucks can ever provide!

Can I do more business by moving to a new office space?
A happy surprise for many business owners is that they are able to network and do more business just by moving to a new office location.  Seeing other business owners every day creates what psychologists call “Propinquity”, the interpersonal relationships that develop from physical closeness and repeated interaction.  The lawyer, accountant, or financial planner down the hall from your office space will be at the top of your mind when a friend at a Saturday evening cocktail party has a need.  Almost unconsciously you begin to refer business to your new office space co-workers – and they to you – because you see them every day and get to know them in a way that advertising or speed networking can never duplicate.  Many small business owners find that their best clients and referral sources are just down the hall from their new office space.

So how do you find the perfect office spaces for your business?
Asking yourself if a new business image, professional reception services, meeting rooms, and a top quality office address can improve your business is the most important first step on your journey.  Serviced office locations are designed to meet the needs of growing businesses just like yours.  Taking the next step by calling and visiting the top rated locations in your area will ensure that your move goes smoothly.  To your success!


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